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  3. Fees
  4. Events
  5. Add-Ons
  6. Questions
  7. Waivers
  8. Custom
  9. Users
  10. Payments
  11. Review
  12. Done
This form is for event administrators and race/meet directors to set up registration for their event. If, instead, you are a participant, please go to the registration form for your event—see your event's website or contact your event for the link.

About Your Event

  (this also will be used as the time zone for registration deadlines)
  (for registration fees)

Public Contact

Who should people contact if they have questions about your event?

Specialized Options

Optional Fields

Field Name Collect this?
(requires each registrant to enter a unique ID)
* - indicates a field that will be required when the option to collect it is enabled; other fields will be optional when enabled

General Options